Skyscraper is the symbol of a successful company, an achievement of municipal government. Nowadays publics are enthusiastic about building super skyscraper. Even there are some other words talks about the super skyscraper cost too much resource, but not get the equal effect, but in my opinion these costs are worth for the future.
Nowadays our population is over 6 billion in the world. India, China, those countries which has big population, even they are thinking some way to reduce the population, but because of the big cardinal number the population will still increasing very fast in the next several years. Consequently, in order to solve this problem in the future scientists are working hard to find the possible solution, for example find another suitable plant where people can live. But this solution seems cannot be completed that easy. Therefore build a super skyscraper become the most possible solution for this problem. With the super skyscraper, thousands of dwellers in the city can have their own house in the future, and I think with the skyscraper the price of the land and house can be controlled into a acceptable area.
Even nowadays the cost of the super skyscraper is very high, and our technology is not enough to build a really super skyscraper which like Sky City in our imagines, but I believe in the future as the technology developed super skyscraper will bring our much more benefits.
That's great, man. Tell me, how could you put that pic to your post?
haha.i am coming.
you always have a strong opinion and have so many strong arguments,but i do not agree with you,maybe because i am a girl,you are a boy...haha
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